Importance and roles of Community Health Nurse in Pakistan

Importance and roles of Community Health Nurse in Pakistan

Importance and roles of Community Health Nurse in Pakistan

Community health nurse had very extensive roles. In Pakistan, Community health nursing is introduced in 1985. But people are not aware of Importance and roles of Community Health Nurse in Pakistan. But with the passage of time, this field of nursing is becoming popular day by day. Many think that this field is a one way but actually it is a multidisciplinary field of nursing. The reason is that there were many job opportunities in public health sector. The core subject in public health sector or community health is epidemiology. One should have full understanding, knowledge, and experience in order to work in this domain.

Now the question arises how this field is linked to the nursing profession?

The answer is simple. If we look into history the nursing profession originates when health care workers started serving people without any their personal mean. Their main aim is to provide immediate health care services. Florence Nightingale is the pioneer and leads nursing profession to new heights. If we take the insight of its work then it gives us a clear picture that her work is in the community.

When Pakistan came into being there was increase demand of health care professionals. At that time most of the health centers were in urban areas. With the passage of time, when more RHC (Rural Health Centers), BHU (Basic Health Units) and Hospitals opened. The demand for the health care professionals increased along with nurses. As the nurse is an educator, facilitator, advocator, caretaker, researcher, collaborator, manager etc. All of these are roles of a nurse and these are basic components in patients care.

Related Link: The Importance of Male Nurses in Female Dominated Profession

How to become a community health nurse?

There were many professional courses and degrees in which one can master himself to work efficiently in the field. After 4 years generic nursing there is 2 year MPH (Master’s in Public Health) leading to MPhil. Diploma nurses first have to do Post RN and after that, they are eligible for MPH. This is the professional degree and it leads to Ph.D. It is recognized degree by HEC.

Following are the institutions which were offering MPH;

University Of The Punjab          Lahore            2 Years     MPhil
The University Of Lahore(Main Campus )           Lahore            2 Years     MPH
Federal Institute Of Health Sciences            Lahore              2 Years     MPH
Lahore Medical & Dental College             Lahore              2 Years     MPH
Lahore School Of Public Health              Lahore             2 Years     MPH
Vertex College Of Science and Technology           Islamabad            2 years     MPH
Health Services Academy          Islamabad           2 years     MPH
Islamabad Federal College F-10         Islamabad           2 years     MPH
Al-Nafees Medical College & Hospital         Islamabad            2 years     MPH
Institute Of Health & Management Sciences        Islamabad          2 years     MPH
Buraq Institute Of Higher Studies         Peshawar             2 years     MPH


These Institutions are providing high-quality professionals. The demand of community health nurse is increasing day by day due to its increased need. In Pakistan, It is a very common misconception among nurses that if they take a professional degree in community health Nursing will change their field. But in actual it’s a very diverse field not only in nursing but also in other professions. The salary of an MPH graduate in Pakistan is up to 80,000 to 100,000. Not only educational and governmental institutions are hiring public health graduates. But on the other hand, there were many international organizations like WHO, International Red Cross Association etc. are playing a key role in community development.



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