While nursing is one of the noblest professions ever, it’s not free from problems. As a profession, a nurse is often even more important than a doctor. Because doctors treat the problems while nurses career issues tend to the patients till the issue is satisfactorily resolved.
It takes patience and great motherly instincts to be a nurse. Yet, this is one profession that isn’t easy in the least. Plus, the issues that the nurses face daily don’t make it any easier. In this article, we shall see nurses career issues.
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Nursing is one profession where the professional needs to be at their top and functioning condition for the most part. A nurse that’s drained and tired cannot be at their best cognitive abilities for long. Unfortunately, it’s a common sight at many hospitals and nursing homes that nurses are overworked.
When the workload is high, nurses are bound to crash sooner or later. There needs to be some mechanism in place that keeps a check on the work that the nurses do. If the work limits are pushed often, then there should be equivalent compensation for it. Either in terms of money or in the form of extra leaves.
Plus, the nurses must also respect their work boundaries. This means that the standard 1 to 1.5-hour breaks that they get must be availed to rest and refuel themselves.
Unplanned cancellations
Nurses often face this issue throughout their careers, which brings stress and work anxiety. Nurses sure have a life outside of work, and they have plans. Uncalled for cancellations can put their plans in jeopardy.
When someone is forced to work on a day off and take an off on a workday, then that can be demotivating.
While it is difficult to get the issue solved completely, there are a few tips to remedy the issue. Firstly, fluid communication with the heads can save nurses from unplanned shift cancellations. Second, not being too strict with the schedules to avoid unplanned offs and duties.
Third, if there’s something too necessary to attend, then the nurses can negotiate their work times and offs accordingly. Great communication with the heads is basically what can lessen up the severity of this issue.
Professional Burnout
Nurses are some of the most devoted professionals out there. Countless times it happens that they see patients in dreadful conditions, which makes them put their duties above their personal comforts.
All of this can become super tiring and lead to professional burnout. In some cases, this can also cause irreversible medical mistakes, and then the health authorities won’t be too forgiving in such instances.
To avoid this nurses career issues, must take up personal responsibility and look after their health. Physical, mental, and emotional – all three. As a nurse, you don’t just look out for those who need help; you have to look out for yourself as well.
Inadequate Staffing
A lot of time, nurses are burdened because of understaffing. This is more of an admin issue, but the nurses are the ones to face the music.
While understaffing for short periods can still be manageable, if the issue persists, this can be damaging to the nurses. Unfortunately, it is a common practice in many hospitals and nursing homes. Understaffed health institutions can put patients and nurses in danger.
In fact, medical understaffing can lead to life and death matters. Nurses career issues that are a victim of this issue must persistently highlight it to the admin of their respective institutes. Or to their heads.
Mandatory Overtime
There are times throughout your career where you’ll need to do overtime. This is an issue that shall remain till the time you serve as a nurse. There are times when the nurses are required to cover up for someone else, or the situations become such that they can’t check out when the shift ends.
While the admin does pay the nurses for the overtime they serve, it’s not just about the money. Continuous overtime service can be super draining. That can be harmful to the nurse as well as to the patients. Nurses that feel they are often expected to work overtime should consult their heads.
They should also try and ask for advice about dealing with work stress and should also seek professional help when necessary.
Final Words
Nursing as a career is noble but equally challenging. Some of the above-mentioned issues are the ones that nurses regularly face. However, with the right approach to tackle these issues, you can get them minimized.
There are issues, but when you look at the overall picture, nursing is also one of the most self-fulfilling professions.